
Transparency is key for accountability and growth. 4% of all gross income goes right back out into the community for redistribution. Generally we have 4 organizations to whom we send 1% each of our 4% total redistribution. We do hold discretion to adjust our redistribution as immediate needs arise in the community. We now formally assess our redistribution allocation on a quarterly basis. You can find our past redistribution amounts on this page, updated periodically.



2022 - in progress, running total of $13,978.88

Q1 & Q2:


In order to respond to the erosion of reproductive rights in the United States, in Quarter 3 of 2022 we have decided to direct 2% of our total 4% of redistribution funds to the Northwest Abortion Access Fund (NWAAF) and the remaining 2% split between our recurring redistribution organizations (0.5% each).

2021 - $24,157.48

In addition to our 4 core redistribution organizations, 2021 we decided to push substantial funding to REPAIR - Real Estate Professionals Against Institutional Racism. REPAIR has multiple arms including funding and supporting BIPOC realtors and other industry professionals (inspectors, for example), prevent displacement of current Black homeowners through community relationships including EDPA2, and also plans to fund a BIPOC Down Payment Grant. Our redistribution went out as follows: