
If equity is not about a willingness to give up something, then what is it about?

- Anishnaabe sister via Gyasi Ross

A single website page cannot even pretend to capture the depth and breadth of what in means to be in pursuit of equity in real estate. Here you will find some notes on why I work to center equity in my work along with some linked resources. Please also see the News & Info tab for blog posts offering more resources and information regarding equity in real estate and at weave & seed.

— please note: we fully acknowledge that equity is a practice and not a destination. I forever welcome inputs regarding this page and weave & seed practices and would appreciate the opportunity to make adjustments that will better serve black people, indigenous people, all people of color, LGBTQIA+ folx, and all underrepresented peoples.


Photo by Dulcey Lima

Photo by Dulcey Lima



Photo by Tito Texidor III

Photo by Tito Texidor III


Photo by Delia Giandeini

Photo by Delia Giandeini


How far back in one’s lineage a generation first owned real estate is an incredibly powerful predictor of wealth and privilege today. Please see Kimberly Latrice Jones’s words on the specific oppression of Black folx via exclusion from property ownership in this country. Here is a concise article on the staggering racial discrepancy of property ownership between Black folx and white folx in this country, which of course isn’t the full picture of racism knowing other folx of color are also marginalized in systemic white supremacy.

Of course, all of what we now call “real estate” in our system of ownership was once land simply stewarded by the native/indigenous people who inhabited it long before our (I say “our” for those of you who share much of my heritage, other than the one indigenous ancestor I know of) families did. Here is an article contemplating what it means to live on “stolen land”. Please also watch Gyasi Ross speak to his alma mater, regional Evergreen State College, about equity including particular attention to the people indigenous to this lands. Additionally, pervasive discrimination against our LGBTQIA+ community members continues in this country, including LGBTQIA+ youth and the intersectionality of LGBTQIA+ identities and BIPOC folx.


  • First Generation, First-time Homebuyer Consultation*: We know that it means so much to be in a position to be a first generation property owner. We would be honored to guide you through the process, look out for your best interests, provide you with helpful resources, and support your purchase.

  • First-time Homebuyer Consultation*: Even if you are not a first generation first-time homebuyer, there is still a lot to learn and we are here to talk you through getting ready to buy.

  • First-time Homeseller Consultation*: Selling is very different than buying and requires a thorough plan to make sure you get on to whatever next phase you are pursuing - this consult includes an opportunity to re-allocate a portion of proceeds to Portland for Everyone (via 1000 Friends of Oregon).

  • Sell & Re-Buy Consultation: Balancing the timelines and needs of selling one space and buying another can be daunting, but we will be there to keep track and guide you through the process.

  • Stewardship Guides: We provide Stewardship Guides for each Buyer we represent (and we do our best to highlight similar information in our listing information) that highlight local resources and property-specific information so that our clients are more informed and equipped to care for the place and space they are now stewards of.

  • Local Advocacy: Celestina’s personal residence is in Milwaukie, Oregon and she remains highly active in support of equitable systems and outcomes (activism includes campaign leadership and support for Milwaukie’s first Black man on City Council and having sat on the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee, the Construction Excise Tax Oversight Group, the Cottage Cluster Stakeholder Advisory Group, and the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee).

  • BIPOC Realtor Consultation, Mentorship, and a Scholarship to come*: if you are a Black person, Indigenous person, or other Person of Color and you are already a Realtor or you are interested in becoming a Realtor, our time and resources are available to you. We invite you to reach out if you would like to talk about the support we can offer you.

*We welcome BIPOC folx to take us up on these offerings, acknowledging we do not currently hold representation of your experience on our crew (but we would love to) - it is our biggest honor to facilitate property ownership and sales for our BIPOC community members. We hope to collaborate with and support Black, Brown, Indigenous, and all folx of Color on our crew at weave & seed.

dollars & cents

Currently 4% of all earned commission checks are immediately re-allocated and redistributed to the equity & earth needs of our communities. Given heightened needs of certain groups at certain times, some months may weight the distribution of funds accordingly. In general, donations are made as follows:

All photos sourced from photographers via Unsplash